Sam Appleman incorporates his love and admiration of American style into every part of his life, from the interior design of his home, to the art emerging from his studio.
Throughout his career as an accomplished carver and woodworker, Sam has found inspiration in his abiding love, appreciation and regard for early American crafted furniture, architecture and folk art. His work is often inspired by road trips throughout the country to small American towns. "I love pairing a sleek contemporary design with antique distressing. It adds texture making that piece stand out as a representation of what we are ... a country based on history but moving into the future."
Growing up with six brothers and sisters in the mid western United States, Sam never had a toy to call his own. Like a missing piece in a puzzle, Sam fills this space by collecting vintage toys and patriotic memorabilia that he finds during his travels. "Vintage toys are hard to find, but that is what makes it worthwhile." He continues to live in the mid west close to the family home he grew up in.